Situated in Hatfield, a town on the outskirts of Doncaster, Manor View Care Home is a 35 bed nursing home built on a sprawling property with an attractive garden to relax and parking for 15 cars. It is spread over the ground and first floors. The home is staffed with high quality professional nurses and carers whose passion for care is unique. Our staff take pride in the quality of care provided. The home has a great reputation over many years and is sought after by the residents of Hatfield and its vicinity. The home boasts of an attractive lounge, a dressed dining area, a quiet room, a hairdressing saloon and other areas to relax. Telephone and Television points are available however residents will have to make their own arrangements if they need a telephone or television connection to their rooms. The home provides facility for making and receiving calls by use of our own cordless telephones. Specialist bath equipment is available.
Chiropody, hairdressing and other additional services can be arranged at cost to the resident. Regular dental and optical appointments will be arranged.
The home is a non-smoking area but staff and residents can smoke in a designated area in the garden. Religious observance is supported based on the wishes of each individual. Although we have specified meal times, the timings for the residents are based on their own preferences and food and drinks will be available as per their time, choice and need.
Detailed care plans in digital form are held for all residents designed in consultation with the residents, their families or power of attorney holders, friends and health partners and is a dynamic document which is reviewed periodically to meet changing needs.
Our Service User Guide provides a detailed guidance on the range of services that are available which is provided to all users at the time of admission to the home and on request.